7 Key Insights into the Fiber Optic Sensor Market

7 Key Insights into the Fiber Optic Sensor Market

What is a Fiber Optic Sensor? Fiber optic sensors are devices that use optical fibers to...


Jul 30, 2024

Trends in the Photonics Industry

Trends in the Photonics Industry

The increase in the adoption of photonics is gradually replacing electric conductors—whi...


Jul 15, 2019

Plastics Show Promise in Future Markets for Optical Cables

Plastics Show Promise in Future Markets for Optical Cables

The banking, finance, and insurance industries have undergone huge transformations in re...


Mar 27, 2018

Brief History of LiDAR, Its Evolution and Market Definition

Brief History of LiDAR, Its Evolution and Market Definition

The following is an edited excerpt of the BCC Research report “ Light Detection and Rang...

Global Military Spending Increase Fuels Expansion of Tactical Lasers

Global Military Spending Increase Fuels Expansion of Tactical Lasers

As the U.S. military moves against entrenched ISIS targets around the world, their force...


Nov 16, 2017

Fluorescent Cells Grown Using CMOS Image Sensors

Fluorescent Cells Grown Using CMOS Image Sensors

The charge coupled device (CCD) and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) senso...


Oct 23, 2017

Ultrafast Lasers and Ultrafast Computers (100K Times Faster)

Ultrafast Lasers and Ultrafast Computers (100K Times Faster)

An international team of researches and engineers have demonstrated the ability

Atomically Thin Material Optimizes Data Communication

Atomically Thin Material Optimizes Data Communication

Whenever you use Facebook or use Google to search, the information processing

Industrial Lasers Show Strong Growth; Fiber Laser System Meets One Company’s Needs

Industrial Lasers Show Strong Growth; Fiber Laser System Meets One Company’s Needs

Industrial lasers find applications across numerous manufacturing entities. An

Eternal 5D Data Storage Could Record the History of Humankind

Eternal 5D Data Storage Could Record the History of Humankind

Today’s growing digitalized world is generating huge volumes of data, not just

Record for Fastest Data Rate Set

Record for Fastest Data Rate Set

A record for the fastest-ever data rate for digital information has been set by

Keeping an Eye on Optical Sensors

Keeping an Eye on Optical Sensors

The proliferation of advanced electronic control systems has made optical

High-Energy and Mid-IR Lasers: Applications and Markets

High-Energy and Mid-IR Lasers: Applications and Markets

Lasers are used in numerous industries, with applications ranging across the

Making the Switch: What’s the Matter With Photonic Crystals?

Making the Switch: What’s the Matter With Photonic Crystals?

Photonic crystal-driven sensing, which promises optical switching at speeds

Passive Optical Networks: Optical Components and Systems for Cloud Computing

Passive Optical Networks: Optical Components and Systems for Cloud Computing

As more and more small businesses adopt cloud computing, demand for optical

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