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Daniella Pascucci

Daniella is our Academic Insights Strategist and a current senior at Bates College. She writes about challenges facing college students and tangible ways students can thrive in their academic and professional lives.

Daniella Pascucci
Virtual Reality Technologies: An Industry Overview

Virtual Reality Technologies: An Industry Overview

Technology is constantly evolving and merging the lines between people, the

Internship Dos and Don’ts

Internship Dos and Don’ts

You’ve worked hard to create a competitive resume and survived your interview,

What I Learned During My Internship

What I Learned During My Internship

Did your summer internship help you accomplish your goals? Have you learned any

The College Students’ Guide to Choosing a Major

The College Students’ Guide to Choosing a Major

Choosing a major can be a tough decision, and many students are undecided about

3 Ways Students Can Get To Know Their Professors

3 Ways Students Can Get To Know Their Professors

Professors have more value than lecturing you in the classroom and grading your

Femtech: An Industry Overview

Femtech: An Industry Overview

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, “if you want something said, ask

Student’s Guide to Evaluating Sources

Student’s Guide to Evaluating Sources

As you are diving deep into research for an internship, thesis or capstone,

The Student Beginner’s Guide to Studying Abroad

The Student Beginner’s Guide to Studying Abroad

The number of students studying abroad for academic credit has increased over

Quick-Start Guide for Completing Semester or Year-Long Projects

Quick-Start Guide for Completing Semester or Year-Long Projects

Most colleges or universities require a senior thesis, capstone or some type of

How to get the most out of your Summer Internship

How to get the most out of your Summer Internship

Your internship is an extremely important groundwork for opening your career

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