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Clayton Luz

Clayton Luz
A Semiconductive Polymer That Decomposes?

A Semiconductive Polymer That Decomposes?

It sounds like something gadget-inventor “Q” from the James Bond movies might

Biodegradable Plastic Makes Planters More Sustainable

Biodegradable Plastic Makes Planters More Sustainable

In America, more than 200 million pounds of non-biodegradable, petroleum-based,

Food Traceability: From 'Cow to Cup'

Food Traceability: From 'Cow to Cup'

New technologies to stop the production of counterfeit and fraudulent food

Microsoft: New Munich IoT Lab to Help Manufacturers

Microsoft: New Munich IoT Lab to Help Manufacturers

Microsoft is opening its third global laboratory in Munich for customers

Potential to Create Electricity from Waste Heat Warms Up

Potential to Create Electricity from Waste Heat Warms Up

Thermoelectric technology offers great potential as an alternative and

Walk a Mile in These Plant-Sourced Shoes

Walk a Mile in These Plant-Sourced Shoes

These plant-based shoes never need watering. The top of the shoe is made from

A Golden Discovery for Wearable Technology

A Golden Discovery for Wearable Technology

In the not so-distant-future you could be wearing your smart phone around your

Toyota Puts AI on the Hunt for New Materials

Toyota Puts AI on the Hunt for New Materials

The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) announced it is investing $35 million in

Tarnish-Proof Silver Film Challenges ITO

Tarnish-Proof Silver Film Challenges ITO

By combining silver with a smidge of aluminum, researchers found a way to

Ultrafast Lasers and Ultrafast Computers (100K Times Faster)

Ultrafast Lasers and Ultrafast Computers (100K Times Faster)

An international team of researches and engineers have demonstrated the ability

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