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Clayton Luz

Clayton Luz
New CVD Technology Allows Smaller Chip Packaging

New CVD Technology Allows Smaller Chip Packaging

In the late 1970s, comic Steve Martin, a relative unknown in the public

Computing with Spider Webs

Computing with Spider Webs

Modern life is becoming connected through a web of technology. The term

Technology Finds Water Leaks Using Satellite Imagery

Technology Finds Water Leaks Using Satellite Imagery

Non-revenue water is water lost after it leaves the distribution facility and

New Chemical Reagent Removes Heavy Metal Toxins From Landfill Sludge

New Chemical Reagent Removes Heavy Metal Toxins From Landfill Sludge

Industrial processes that leave behind toxic heavy metals in wastewater can be

Smart Refrigerator Will Listen to You

Smart Refrigerator Will Listen to You

You shouldn't talk with your mouth full when eating. It's considered impolite,

RFID-Based Real-Time Inventory Tracking Streamlines Efficiency

RFID-Based Real-Time Inventory Tracking Streamlines Efficiency

Radio frequency identification and sensor technology use radio frequency waves

Renewable Car Tires Sourced From Our Backyards

Renewable Car Tires Sourced From Our Backyards

For years large tire manufacturers have used isoprene derived from fossil fuels

Hand-Picked Specialty Crops ‘Ripe’ For 'Smart Farming' Techniques

Hand-Picked Specialty Crops ‘Ripe’ For 'Smart Farming' Techniques

Many of the “smart farming” techniques and technologies that help growers

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