Top 10 Companies in Automotive Sensors Market

Top 10 Companies in Automotive Sensors Market

In the fast-paced world of automotive technology, sensors are crucial for enhancing vehi...


Mar 17, 2025

Scientists Create Metal Foam that Turns Bullets into Dust on Impact

Scientists Create Metal Foam that Turns Bullets into Dust on Impact

A new composite metal foam (CMF) has the potential to offer unprecedented

The World Is Not Flat; Advanced Wearables Won't Be, Either

The World Is Not Flat; Advanced Wearables Won't Be, Either

Twenty-five hundred years ago the ancient Greeks figured out the world isn’t

Samsung Electronics to Make Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 Chips

Samsung Electronics to Make Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 Chips

Last month Qualcomm announced that Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd will become the

Novel Printing Method Uses Ultrasonic Technology to Print Objects

Novel Printing Method Uses Ultrasonic Technology to Print Objects

Three-dimensional (3D) printing techniques have quickly become some of the most

Global Crane Market: Major Players Wheeling, Dealing

Global Crane Market: Major Players Wheeling, Dealing

In the global crane industry, the economic meltdown of last decade increased

Hydraulic Pumps Help Make Foods Taste Fresher Longer

Hydraulic Pumps Help Make Foods Taste Fresher Longer

Many food manufacturers covet a cold pasteurization technique called high

Foxconn Taps India for $5 Billion Commitment to Build Factories

Foxconn Taps India for $5 Billion Commitment to Build Factories

Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of electronics by revenue,

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