Jun 24, 2019
Blog Information Technology AI and Small Business: Using Voice Search as a Marketing Tool
What will AI mean for marketers and businessowners?
What AI marketing tools and solutions do marketers and businessowners need to know about so that they can continue to promote their brand and generate revenue?
We answer those questions in today’s blog, adapted from our recent webinar, “AI and Voice-based Search: Are you ready?” featuring AI, marketing expert and author William Ammerman.
According to Ammerman, “There is a lot of evidence to suggest that there are things we should be doing right now to prepare for an AI driven marketing future.”
The Rise of Voice Commerce
The easiest way to understand Voice Commerce is to think about Voice Assistants, mainly Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and Alexa.
Ammerman predicts that Voice Commerce is one of the fastest growing segments in the world, potentially reaching $80 billion worldwide by 2023. “We’re talking about an industry that’s going to zero to $80 billion in five years…you’re talking about a very rapid expansion,” he says.
According to Juniper Research, 8 billion digital voice assistants will be in use by 2023, up from about 2.5 billion at the end of 2018.
Clearly, voice represents a new challenge and a huge opportunity for online advertisers and for businesses in particular. As marketers and businessowners, you will be faced with challenges about how to adopt voice search technology to generate revenue, as consumers are going to be increasingly looking to interact with you and your business using voice.
Ammerman says, “If you are not ready for that, they are going to work with competitors of yours who are. Preparing your business for the era of the voice user interface is mandatory.”
The interface in the Voice Assistant is the leading edge of AI at the world’s most valuable brands:
These brands occupy the AI and voice-based search space for a reason. Their brand growth is going to continue into the future. They invested in voice software, which has pushed them rapidly into becoming dominant players, both to strengthen their brand and because they are forward looking technology brands themselves.
Voice Search Statistics
Check out these stats about voice search, this very powerful AI marketing tool:
How to Use Voice as an AI Marketing Tool
According to Gartner, if you make the commitment to invest in and develop Voice-Based Search for your business, you’re going to be 30% ahead of where you would be otherwise.
Ammerman encourages marketers and business owners to consider the following questions:
He also shares the following tips for marketers and businessowners to harness this AI marketing tool effectively:
Learn More About AI
To learn more about the global artificial intelligence market—trends, opportunities, major players, products and more—download a complimentary chapter of our recent market research report, “Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Global Markets.”
Sarah Greenberg is the Manager of Content Marketing at BCC Research. She creates our blog, social media and email content.
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