10 Key Things to Know About the Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) Market

10 Key Things to Know About the Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) Market


Jun 14, 2024

Blog Environment 10 Key Things to Know About the Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) Market

The Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) market is emerging as a vital player in the fight against climate change. Here’s a rundown of the key aspects you need to know:

What is CDR?

Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) refer to technologies and practices that extract CO2 from the atmosphere and store it. Unlike traditional carbon capture, which focuses on emissions from sources like power plants, CDR aims to reduce the overall concentration of CO2 in the air.

Why CDR is Crucial?

Despite efforts to reduce emissions, we are still on a path toward dangerous levels of global warming. CDR is considered essential to offset emissions we can't eliminate and to achieve net-zero emissions, helping to stabilize the climate.

Types of CDR Technologies

CDR technologies are varied, including:

  • Direct Air Capture (DAC): Machines that chemically scrub CO2 directly from the air.
  • Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS): Using biomass for energy and capturing the emitted CO2.
  • Afforestation and Reforestation: Planting trees to absorb CO2 naturally.
  • Soil Carbon Sequestration: Enhancing the ability of soils to capture and store CO2.

Market Growth and Investment

The CDR market is growing rapidly, with increasing investment from governments, private sector, and venture capital. According to BCC research report, the Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) Market is grown from $370.0 million in 2022 to $8.1 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.0% during the forecast period to expand significantly, driven by climate policies and the urgent need to address global warming.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

CDR technologies offer dual benefits: they help mitigate climate change and can create new economic opportunities. For instance, developing and deploying these technologies can lead to job creation in the green tech sector.

Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR) Market

The market is projected to grow from $370.0 million in 2022 to $8.1 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.0% during the forecast period.

Challenges to Overcome

  • High Costs: Current technologies are expensive and need substantial investment to become cost-effective.
  • Energy Intensive: Some CDR methods, like DAC, require large amounts of energy, which could offset their carbon savings if not sourced from renewables.
  • Scale: The scale required to make a meaningful impact on atmospheric CO2 levels is enormous and still being debated.

Supportive Policies Needed

Governments can boost the CDR market with supportive policies like tax breaks and funding for research. This helps make CDR technologies more affordable and widespread.

Voluntary and Mandatory Markets

CDR works in two types of markets:

  • Voluntary Markets: Driven by companies wanting to go green.
  • Mandatory Markets: Required by government regulations to cut emissions.

Big Names Involved:

Carbon Engineering: Leading the way in direct air capture technology, aiming to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere efficiently and cost-effectively.

Climeworks: Pioneering direct air capture systems to capture CO2 from ambient air and provide scalable carbon removal solutions.

Global Thermostat: Innovating in carbon dioxide removal technology with scalable direct air capture solutions for a sustainable future.

Charm Industrial: Specializing in biomass-based carbon removal, utilizing waste biomass to permanently sequester CO2 from the atmosphere.

Carbofex: focused on developing biochar-based carbon removal solutions, harnessing the power of biomass to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change.

Future Outlook

The future of the CDR market looks promising but requires coordinated global efforts. Advances in technology, increased investment, supportive policies, and public awareness are key to unlocking the potential of CDR to help achieve a sustainable climate future.

The CDR market is at a pivotal moment, offering a mix of hope and challenge as we seek to balance our carbon budget and secure a healthier planet for future generations.

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    Divya Dhamija

    Written By Divya Dhamija

    Divya Dhamija is a Senior Executive of Marketing Operations at BCC Research, with a master’s degree in business. She specializes in optimizing marketing strategies and content creation and is dedicated to driving organizational growth through strategic marketing initiatives.

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